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Question: Can a stress echo (93350, 93351) and TTE be reported on the same date of service by a single physician?
Answer: Transthoracic echocardiography (93303, 93304, 93306, 93307 or 93308) may be reported on the same date of service as a stress echo (93350 or 93351) for a different clinical circumstance. The modifier -59, Distinct Procedural Service, should be appended to the applicable TTE code.
• Per the AMA CPT Introductory echocardiography language, stress echo codes (93350, 93351) include the acquisition of echocardiography images before, after, and in some protocols during stress.
• Per NCCI edits, stress echo codes 93350 and 93351 have a billing edit assigned to TTE codes that indicates that a modifier is allowed in order to differentiate between the services provided.