Wiki 93568 and 93567


Baldwin Park, CA
Best answers
Right heart catheterization. A 7F Swan Ganz catheter was advanced to the pulmonary artery wedge position under fluoroscopic guidance. Measurements of pressures, arterial and venous oxygen saturation, and cardiac output (by thermodilution) were obtained. The catheter was remove. Left heart catheterization. A 5F PIG 145 catheter was advanced over a wire in the LV Cavity and a left ventricular pressure was recorded with simultaneous aorta, pulmonary wedge and pulmonary arterypressures. The catheter was pulled back to the aorta. No significant gradient was recorded. An aortic root angio was then performed.
Condition Site:
Rest Rest Right Atrium
(S/A)10mmHg (D/V)8mmHg (ED/M)8mmHg
Rest Right Ventricle 30 5 8
Rest Pulmonary Artery Main 36 21 26 Rest Pulmonary Capillary Wedge 17 17 9
Rest Left Ventricle 130 1 2
Rest Aorta ( no input in op report)

Surgeon did LT and RT cardiac cath via 2 different accesses. Should I also assign 93568 for pulmonary angiograph and 93567 for aortography?
Please advice, thank you.
With the information given, I see 93453 and is there results for the aortic root injection? If so then code 93567. I don't see pulmonary angio documented.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC