Wiki 95718 and 95720 Continuous EEG Monitoring CPT Codes

St Augustine, FL
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Our Neurologists are billing for Continuous EEG monitoring using the new CPT codes 95718 and 95720. Our providers perform the monitoring in 24 hour shifts, with the shift change occuring at 7:00 AM. We are looking for definitive guidance as how to properly bill and code with two different providers of the same group and specialty for one date of service (the first from midnight to 7:00AM and the second from 7:00AM to midnight). We want both of the physicians to be able to get some credit for their work, but who gets the credit and who does the report? The 95718 is for the 2-12 hour video and is to be used once and at the end of the study, so any guidance would be quite helpful.

Thank you!