Wiki 95951 reimbursement issues?

Kimball, MN
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Curious if anyone is having issues with reimbursement on 95951-long term video eegs, when the doctor completes one dictation for the interpretation, even if multiple days? Our problem is that we have been billing by the interp date vs the date performed so BCBS of any type is denying due to payment included in other service or documentation does not support multiple dates of service. They are paying for the first day and denying subsequent days. Curious how other doctors are doing their dictation, ie individual daily reports or listing each days findings in one report? We have appealed with procedure note and the doctors hospital visit for the day, which includes a review of the eeg.
Thank you,
95951 CPT description is: Monitoring for localization of cerebral seizure focus by cable or radio, 16 or more channel telemetry, combined electroencephalographic (EEG) and video recording and interpretation (eg, for presurgical localization), each 24 hours

How our providers bill, is by the test date. So when this video EEG is done for days in a row, the Dr's interpretation always states the date of the study.

Example: . The interp will say "Study date: December 20th, through December 21st". We bill DOS 12/20. The next day the EEG was done may be 2 days later, and the interp will state "Study date: December 22nd through December 23rd". We bill DOS 12/22. So each EEG report gets billed based on the date that it was performed. Not when it was interpreted.