Wiki 96523 portflush with 36415 venipuncture


Spring Hill, FL
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I know a port flush bundles into any chemotherapy/OV/port draw, but can it be billed with a venipuncture(36415) and a CBC(85025)? The only information I am finding regarding labs states a port flush can not be billed with a port draw(36591&36592). The CPT book reads do not bill the 96523 in conjunction with any other services, but there are no CCI edits for the 36415, 85025 and the 96523 and I found some information stating we can bill the port flush(96523) with venipuncture(36415) if there are no other "physician services" reported that day. Does anyone have more insight/documentation supporting or negating this?
I am from Oklahoma and we have been unable to ever get the port flush paid at anytime except when it was the ONLY thing performed.
If its unrelated to Chemo would it be 36592 for the blood draw? Flushing is standard of care so bundled into what ever procedures uses the port.