Wiki 99254 initial consultation and next day 49204 surgery with mod 80 denied


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My provider was on call at a facility and looks like he saw a pt for initial consultation. The next day he assisted in surgery for this pt. Aetna denied the 99254 as global and the 49204 reason denial is N674-Not covered unless a pre-requisite procedure/service has been provided and also B15-This service/procedure requires that a qualifying service/procedure be received and covered. The qualifying other service/procedure has not been received/adjudicated. Looked in cpt book but doesn't state anything should be done additional for this surgery. I am thinking its the pts policy and coverage but rep told me just to send medical records. Any idea what this pre requiste procedure/service could be?
Hope this helps

An Evaluation and management code with the modifier for decision for surgery should apply when a consultation results in next day surgery. The two surgeons modifier should also apply unless the operative report specifically indicates otherwise.;)
the two surgeons modifier (62) would only apply if they were co-surgeons it is not the same as an assistant surgeon.
Co-surgeon is when two surgeons are performing distinct and separate parts of the same surgery. each surgeon must dictate a separate operative note detailing their part of the surgery and at what point it was handed off/received.