Wiki 99477


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Can someone give me a few answers regarding the new neonate code 99477? Can you use this in conjuction with 99436, attendance at delivery? Also, what if we transfer the neonate out; can we code the 99477 on that day or does the code go with the transfer to the new doc? Thanks for your help.
Per the coding for pediatrics 2008 coding manual you may report 99477 with the 99436 (Attendance at delivery). As far as transferring the neonate out I am not sure what you mean.
I don't know that answer, but I am confused about 99477. Prior to this code, was 99231-99233 used?
To clarify, if we see a seriously ill neonate and treat for the first few hours then transfer the care to another physician, for whatever reason, can both physicians charge the 99477?
Prior to 99477, you could only use 99221-99223 for a normal E&M, or 99295 for critical care for a neonate; there was nothing in between. Now 99477 is available as another level of care. By definition, you use it for neonates, up to 28 days old, who require intensive observation, frequent interventions and other intensive care services, ie. bladder cath, blood transfusions, nasogastic tube placement, etc. It can be used for each day of care up to 28 days old including situations where you might treat the NB, discharge, and then have to re-admit.
Does anyone know, if 99477 is billled today and the baby becomes critical tomorrow if 99295 can be billed? I can't seem to find any regs on this.
Thanks MM