Wiki A Note from Melanie Witt


True Blue
Guadalupita, NM
Best answers
I apologize for not being able to respond to questions on the forum for quite some time. I live in Northern New Mexico and was evacuated on May 2 from our ranch due to the wildfire burning there. It is still burning and we are still evacuated but we are safe and the fire came only within 200 feet of our ranch house and barn. All of our 160 acres burned, but the buildings were saved by the very heroic fire fighters. So bottom line, we are safe, as well as our 8 dogs, 17 cats, alpaca and 4 horses and we hope to be able to go home within the next few days. We were allowed to visit our ranch for an hour yesterday to check things out, but the major roads in are still closed due to other areas that are not in control. Today I have reliable internet hence my writing this and also to now look at all the posts and questions.
O, wow.. I didn't know about fires in NM... We are So sorry to hear about devastations in your state and in your personal home. Dear Melanie, take care of your big family and return back to us when it will be safe. We missed you and we wish you well!!!
Sorry to hear about the fires and glad to hear that you and your animals are ok.
We arrived home safely on May 24 and have been playing "clean up the soot and ash" for more the past 2 weeks. All the animals are home and safe as well and have forgiven us for uprooting their lives. Now we are getting ready of possible flooding once our monsoon rains come. I know can add "forest management" to my resume of things I can now do! Thanks for all the support and comments.
Oh no! I am just reading this! I hope you are all doing okay. I am gladyour animals and your building are ok as well.