Wiki A or D Encounter?


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Hi, We are a bit confussed on the use of the A and D. I do workers comp and even though we were not required to go to 10 we did. So lets say patient comes in with pain in back. Initial visit is codeded with a A. Now patient is told to come back in 3 days for a follow up. Does that make it a D authomatically? What if the patient follows up for a few weeks? I think it makes it harder for WC. I understand the thought of A would be treating and D would be healing status which can be many follow ups with workers comp..
Any thoughts would be great.

thanks Linda:confused:
Sorry bad example.
S33.5XXA Sprain of ligaments of lumbar.. Patient then comes back 3 days later for follow up?
Sounds like a D for subsequent but without knowing what occurred during the encounter it is hard to tell. If it is just a follow up the a D yes. The A is for active treatment. For a sprain it could be as simple as a back brace application for the initial.