Wiki Abd all wound exploration


Safety Harbor, FL
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I see this from time to time and just not sure how to code this.

This is a 52 year old male who underwent a sigmoid colectomy for diverticulitis. His midline wound has all healed except for a small opening below the umbilicus.
The patient was sterilely prepped and draped . A incision was made overlying the area of firmness per patient as well as pain and this was incorporated in the 1x1cm opening.This was dissected down to the fascia by incising the surrounding skin and subcutaneous tissue to healthy bleeding tissue and this was excised. The fascia was palpated and no identifiable abscess or drainage was noted. The fascia at the area in question was incised down into the perperitioneal fat and this was excised as well. The wound was irrigated and dried. The fascia was closed using 0 PDS invered figure of eight manner bearing all the knots.This was covered loosely using 3-0 Vicryl in an interrupted manner and the skin closed using staples.
Thank you