What dx will be for pt with abdominal pain and pragnant in ED, where can I find more info about that ?
Shouldn't it have to do with the outcome. No, it depends on the provider's documentation. I have the same situaltion, patient comes in to ER
"Abdominal pain with pregnancy."
Fetal ultrasound is done
FINDINGS: A single live intrauterine pregnancy is identified. Composite assessment of gestational age is 17 weeks 4 days. HC/AC ratio is 1.2 and is normal. Survey of fetal anatomy is normal. The lateral ventricles are not visualized. There is normal amount of amniotic fluid. Placenta is posterior and a grade 0.
IMPRESSION: Single live intrauterine pregnancy of approximately 17 weeks 4 days.
So should I truely use 646.83 & 789.00 if nothing is complicating the pregnancy?? Yes, unless the documentation states the pregnancy is incidental to the encounter.
If nothing is found to be affecting the pregnancy then I believe you should code the symptom and incidental pregnancy. No, the provider determines if the encounter is incidental.