Wiki ABN question


True Blue
Columbus, OH
Best answers
Do any of you use a pre-formatted ABN for certain situations to make things easier for the staff? We are trying to streamline our ABN process for a couple of treatments that patients will insistent on getting even though they don't meet guidelines and we have advised of non-coverage. The treatment can involve one of about 4 different medications and can have 2-3 different reasons for non-coverage so I'm considering checked lists in blanks D and E. After scouring CMS and multiple MAC sites, it appears this is acceptable but I'd like to hear from anyone else that may be pre-filling in a similar way - are your ABNs successful?

We do use a pre-filled ABN, but have several - one each of our common scenarios (only 3 of them). No check boxes - separate templated ABNs for each scenario.
JUST NEVER PRE-FILL SECTION G!!! We require the patient to personally check the box there.
We've never had an issue, but are not pre-filling the way you would be.
I looked at the ABN tutorial, and it doesn't state either way about your check box situation. I would lean toward better safe than sorry unless you can find more definitive guidance it's allowed. Like maybe have a PDF with the possibilities and delete the lines that don't apply to this specific patient before printing.
Thanks Christine! I appreciate that feedback and I agree - NO prefilled fields anywhere else LOL It's still a work in progress because the forms became incredibly complicated after accounting for the different medications, doses, fees, etc. So back to the drawing board for awhile.