Wiki Addictions and Counseling

Bobby A

Dittmer , MO
Best answers
does anyone have any experience in the field of addictions and counseling? In need of a good contact person for questions in this field..Thanks
cpt codes 96102 and 96103

I work for a large group of psychiatrists. We are in process of purchasing some software to do the psychological testing. 96102 says with qualified health care professional interpretation and report, administered by "technician" and 96103 says administered by a "computer" with qualified health care professional interpretation and report. Can somebody please define "technician" and "health care professional". We obviously don't want to utilize a psychologist or social worker to sit the patient in front of the computer and run the software for the patients to answer the questions. What kind of personnel could we legally use? Thanks tons.
i can tell you anything you want to know about smoking cessations... lol since I do a bunch of them. I know with any time based code it has to have the time documented somewhere in the note/transcription