Wiki Adjacent Tissue Transfers


Tucson, AZ
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Per CPT, Adj tissue transfer codes include codes for specific anatomic sites when the area is not larger than 30 sq cm (14000-14061). 14301 is for any body area for defects 30.1 to 60.0 sq cm, with add-on code 14302 for each add'l 30 sq cm.

How are these codes applied when multiple ATTs are performed?

Are all performed ATTs summed together regardless of each defect's size?

If one defect is 15 sq cm on genitalia and another defect is 40 sq cm on leg, would that be billed as 14041 and 14301-59 ? or 14301 x 1?

If one defect is 50 sq cm and another is 100 sq cm, would that be billed as 14301x1 and 14302x3?

Thanks in advance for your help!
The last sentence in the CPT description states the only defects that can be added together are the primary (excision area) and the secondary (flap procurement) so I wouldn't add separate defects together unless one of them is the donor site for the flap itself which should be apparent from the op note.
14301 is for any area but I would use the more specific codes supplied per body site up to the limitations of each code (ie 30 sq cm) : 14041 for up to 30 sq cm genitalia. The size of the leg defect moves it into the "any area" category so 14301 for 40 sq cm legs (any area).
I think for 50 sq cm genitalia would be 14301-1; and 100 sq cm leg would be 14301-1, 14302-2 with the modifier for separate procedure.