Wiki Allergy testing and injections

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We have 3 physicians, 2 PA's and an Allergy Clinic.
Doc A has a patient that comes in for his testing which is performed by nurses. Doc B is in the clinic that day as Doc A is in surgery. Can we bill the testing under Doc A because he ordered the testing or do we have to bill under Doc B because he is the one physically in the building? The same question for allergy injections - can we bill under the ordering physician or must we bill by who is physically there at the time?
You would bill the services under the physician who actually performed the supervision, who may or may not be the ordering provider. In your example, this would be Dr. B.

Hope that helps!

We have 3 physicians, 2 PA's and an Allergy Clinic.
Doc A has a patient that comes in for his testing which is performed by nurses. Doc B is in the clinic that day as Doc A is in surgery. Can we bill the testing under Doc A because he ordered the testing or do we have to bill under Doc B because he is the one physically in the building? The same question for allergy injections - can we bill under the ordering physician or must we bill by who is physically there at the time?

Agree, it is billed under the physician that is in the office at the time of services.