Wiki Angioplasty of segmental renal arteries


San Antonio
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For percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the left superior segmental renal artery and the left inferior segmental renal artery, is it appropriate to code both angioplasties with 35471 and applying -59 modifier on the additional PTA? If so, would both S&I codes be 75966 with a -59 modifier applied to the additional S&I, or would 75968 be more appropriate for the additional S&I? As for the catheter placement, SIR guide shows 3rd order 36247 for segmental renal branches; however, Medlearn IR Coder shows 2nd order 36246. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
segmental renal artery angioplasty

I would definitely use 75966 and 75968, as well as 35471 and 35471-59.
As per CPT, code 75968 for each additional visceral artery. It does not say to use for additional renal artery. That's why I'm confused.