Wiki Ankle Tendons Surgery Coding


Hamilton, VA
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Need help coding this surgical case.

Procedure: Debridement and repair peroneus longus, peroneus brevis tendon, and debridement
of peroneus tertius of ankle.

Description of Procedure: ...........Incision was made posterior to fibula and lateral malleolus. Care taken to avoid injury to peroneal, superficial nerve and sural nerve. Dissection was carried down bluntly. Peroneal sheath incised and first it was noted that there was just a lof of synovium that was thickened. This was debrided out. Peroneus brevis tendon was delivered into wound and had some fraying, probably 15% to 20%. This was debrided out. The tendon was tubularized with 0 Vicryl. Peroneus longus was delivered into wound. It also had fraying and was debrided out and then tubularized as well. The peroneus tertius tendon and muscle was there. The muscle was low hanging, very thick, debrided a little and made smaller size so it could fit more easily into the peroneus sheath. Peroneal sheath was repaired with #1 Vicryl. Prior to this, tendons were injected with PRP. Closure was done in the sheath with #1 Vicrye, subcutaneous with Vicryl, skin with Monocryle, dressed and wrapped. Prior to wrapping, patient had good range of motion and perfect stability of ankle, with no inversion stress laxity. It was dressed and placed in posterior splint.

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