Wiki antepartum care


Monroe, NY
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Patients switched Ob providers during pregnancy and is being seen with new Dr for 4 prenatal visits prior delivery and for postpartum.
How is the correct way to bill delivery?
59410, 59425? Or is the antepartum care billed on separate encounter?
If you provider performed part of the antepartum care (ex: 4 visits) along with the delivery and postpartum care it would be appropriate to bill 59400 indicating that antepartum, postpartum, and delivery were rendered. Depending on the carrier, they may have internal guidelines to separate out the two distinctions, but I would code with this and if the carrier request a different breakout then address the two separate codes at that time.
If you provider performed part of the antepartum care (ex: 4 visits) along with the delivery and postpartum care it would be appropriate to bill 59400 indicating that antepartum, postpartum, and delivery were rendered. Depending on the carrier, they may have internal guidelines to separate out the two distinctions, but I would code with this and if the carrier request a different breakout then address the two separate codes at that time.

thanks for your reply
so if provider requests to seperate the delivery and antepartum, can i bill the antepartum care on same encounter as delivery? the place fo service is different though for anterpartum since done in office (POS 11)
If you are going to separate the services, then they would need to be billed under the correct place of service.