Wiki Anyone know what "BPAPI" is ??

Never seen that either. Could you give a snippet of the note? Maybe if we see how it was used we could figure it out that way.
A BIPAP machine is treatment for sleep apnea of the CPAP machine is not working to achieve optimal pressure to treat sleep apnea symptoms and signs. Before doing a Bipap study, you must do psg(diagnostic study) and then try to use CPAP on pt to achieve disired results.
oh and the Bipap is used to treat central apneas(brain telling body to stop breathing), while the CPAP is used to treat obstructive apneas(airway closes up on its own-cpap puts room air to a specific pressure(and heated humidity if thats what drs ordering) in patients airway to keep it open. let me know if you need help with anything else