Wiki aortogram w/LHC


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When is it appropriate to bill an aortogram with a cardiac catheterization? Dr did a LHC and aortography this is all he puts in report about it. Can I report 93567??
The proximal ascending aorta was slightly dilated. There appears to be a
trileaflet aortic valve though difficult to identify. There is severe 4+
aortic insufficiency identified.
When is it appropriate to bill an aortogram with a cardiac catheterization? Dr did a LHC and aortography this is all he puts in report about it. Can I report 93567??
The proximal ascending aorta was slightly dilated. There appears to be a
trileaflet aortic valve though difficult to identify. There is severe 4+
aortic insufficiency identified.

Yes and no, sufficient to bill 93567. If you find it findings, But my suggestions have the physician document in the body of the report when did he go and performed the 93567. It so important that I'm the PX note state that aortagraphy was then performed to etc.. hope this was informational.