Wiki ASC coding/billing


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Anyone out there who know who to code and bill for ASC. We have our own internal surgery centers, we bill general anesthesia to anesthesiologist and procedure to surgeon.

Got a denial that they are bundling the anesthesia to procedure. After reviewing the NCCI edits, general anesthesia is bundled to the procedure, but i thought can you still bill the anesthesia separately if anesthesia is for anesthesiologist ??

Can anyone advice?
I'm not clearly which claim you're saying is receiving the denial. In this situation you will have three claims: two professional claims (one for the surgeon and one for the anesthesiologist) and one facility claims (for the ASC). The professional claims won't bundle because they are two separate providers - both of these should be paid. But if you are billing an anesthesiology code on the facility claim in addition to the surgical code, there won't be any separate payment for that code because it is inclusive in the facility's rate paid for the surgical procedure.