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Mingus, TX
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Im now asking the same question I asked in the pediatric section of the forum, however I can not get anyone to answer. Im assuming this means that the answer is not out there? I have filed a claim with Tricare 3X with one of those times including medical records. Tricare will not pay for our flu test A (87804A) or flu test B (87804B) with the diagnosis code 008.8. They told me that I should file these with a screening code? There is not a screening code for viral influenza anywhere. Our Dr states that the reason for these tests were viral... as her brother was diagnosed with the flu 1 week prior to her having gastroenteritis issues. She tested negative. Tricare states that we should be filing screening codes with this scenario. We are out of options. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you. Brandy
Have you looked at V01.7 (Contact with or exposure to other viral diseases) or V73.89 (Special screening examination for other specified viral diseases)?

I would code V73.89 primary and V01.7 second.