Wiki Assistant Surgeon Charges


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We have 2 podiatrists in the same practice or share the same tax id. One assisted the other in a surgery and used the modifier 80 for his charges. Our EMR is saying it may be a duplicate charge. Should I just override it and bill it anyway? With that 80 modifier, could an insurance company really deny it as a duplicate?
Bill it out with the -80 because it's not a duplicate charge. Make sure the code allows an assist as well. I can't speak for the insurance company but they can do things that make no sense at all at times.
We have 2 podiatrists in the same practice or share the same tax id. One assisted the other in a surgery and used the modifier 80 for his charges. Our EMR is saying it may be a duplicate charge. Should I just override it and bill it anyway? With that 80 modifier, could an insurance company really deny it as a duplicate?
If you have 2 separate claims under two separate MD names then just bill it out. I am note sure what EMR you have but most builds in the EMR are for same TAXID which is why it is giving you that error. Just force it out. hope this helps. -80 is correct Modifier when a partner assists.