Wiki Assistant surgeons, assisting each other


Columbus, OH
Best answers
I have a situation where I have 2 surgeons from the same group who are assisting each other on two separate procedures.

Dr. X did a Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo/ooporectomy w/extensive lysis of adhesions (extra time documented). Dr. Y assisted. 58661-22

After Dr. X completed their portion of the surgery, Dr. Y did Anterior Repair of Cystocele. Dr. X assisted. 57240

Dr. X coding
58661-22 620.8 614.6 568.0
57240-80-59 618.01

Dr. Y coding
58661-80-22 620.8 614.6 568.0
57240-59 618.01

I think the 59 modifier is appropriate here (as opposed to 51 mod) because of different approach & site .
The 57240 has a slightly higher RVU, but since I'm using the 59 mod, I didn't think the positioning mattered. ?

I appreciate your opinions. Thanks much for taking a look.

Kristen Price CPC, CPC-H
Tucson, AZ
Modifier 59 per CPT, states "not normally reported together..not ordinarly perfomed on same day by same individual."

These two procedure are on different sites, using different approaches. Also, the lead surgeon is different. These procedures are often done at the same time in the GYN world. Therefore, 59 is not appropriate.

Modifier 51 is used when it's the same session by same individual. Again the lead surgeon is different, therefore this does not apply.

In this situation, I would for each surgeon list the primary procedure then the assist procedure.

Maybe someone else has more input.