Wiki attempted cyst removal


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My doctor tried to remove dermoid cyst from right brow. Orbital CT w/o contrast was done and the impression came back with dermoidlike tissue. A regular surgical approch was done until he decided not to remove it after the incision was made. There was a chance to hurt 7th nurve branch so he abandoned the procedure before removing the tissue and closed the site. He spent about an hour. Is this billable? What code and modifier would you use? Office setting.
My doctor tried to remove dermoid cyst from right brow. Orbital CT w/o contrast was done and the impression came back with dermoidlike tissue. A regular surgical approch was done until he decided not to remove it after the incision was made. There was a chance to hurt 7th nurve branch so he abandoned the procedure before removing the tissue and closed the site. He spent about an hour. Is this billable? What code and modifier would you use? Office setting.

I would look at 11440 - 11446 and append modifier 53 or 74.

David Keown, CPC, OCS