Wiki Authorization form


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Does anyone know of a form that providers can sign authorizing, myself, as a CPC to bill a charge for them if they would forget to do it themselves? All of the providers that are in the practice I work for have all told me verbally that they trust my coding and that if anything needs changed or added that I can do it on their behalf. I would just like to have a signed document to cover myself. Does anyone know of an existing form? I realize having the CPC gives me a little bit of authorization, but in an audit, I just want to make sure I am covered. Thank You!
Other than employer policy, anyone (certified or not) can code a service. Legally, the providers are responsible for the codes submitted. Due to this, many large employers (mine included) have a policy that other than the clinician, anyone else coding must be certified. The insurance company doesn't care who coded it, only that it is accurate.
So what about in an audit? Do I need any authorization signed or am I good to code with just verbal authorizations?
I have never ever ever experienced an insurance audit where they cared (or even looked) who coded or submitted a charge. You don't need any authorization.
I suppose in a fraud legal investigation they might dig further, but again, anyone is permitted to code and the clinician is legally responsible.