Wiki Bakri Balloon need help with price

Providence, KY
Best answers
Can anyone help me with a price issue. I found the code I need for this procedure. 59899, but it's a unlisted procedure. So I need a price for it. I can't find a price for it any where. Is there anyone out there that has used this code for the Bakri Balloon procedure? It was used for postpartum hemorrhage, a balloon was placed to stop the bleeding. No curettage was done, so I am not using the 59160. We are thinking about useing $300.00. This was taken from a nose bleed code where they put packing in the nose, you could also insert a balloon. I just would feel better about this if I could get some other people's veiw's on the price. Is this too low, too high, or is it about right.

Thanks for the help,
Bakri Balloon unlisted procedure

We bill out $425.00 for 59899. The procedure was done at the hospital so we are not paying for supplies.
Bakri Balloon

we bill $216 for Bakri balloon (based on the price of CPT 57180)

Kelly Wilson, CPC