Shoulder Arthroscopy Op Report:
The biceps tendon was visualized to have some tearing at its base and this was tagged with PDS suture through the rotator interval and then released with VAPR cautery device. A complete release of the biceps tendon at its base at the superior labrum biceps tendon interval was performed. The sutures that were passed in the biceps tendon were exchanged for Orthocord suture and through an anterolateral portal this biceps tendon was then tenodesed to the intertubercular groove with the Orthocord suture. This stabilized the biceps tendon nicely and a tenodesis was peformed.
The biceps tenodesis is 29828. Can the biceps release be billed separately as 29999?
The biceps tendon was visualized to have some tearing at its base and this was tagged with PDS suture through the rotator interval and then released with VAPR cautery device. A complete release of the biceps tendon at its base at the superior labrum biceps tendon interval was performed. The sutures that were passed in the biceps tendon were exchanged for Orthocord suture and through an anterolateral portal this biceps tendon was then tenodesed to the intertubercular groove with the Orthocord suture. This stabilized the biceps tendon nicely and a tenodesis was peformed.
The biceps tenodesis is 29828. Can the biceps release be billed separately as 29999?