Wiki Billing blood transfusions in office setting


Fresno, CA
Best answers
Our office is wanting to start giving the blood transfusions in the office. The product will be coming from the hospital so I know they will be billing that portion. All research has led me to HCPCS 36430, however it appears to only be a hospital based code. I have found other older forum posts of offices billing this code in their office for the actual administration of the blood and the hospital billing the p-code and laboratory code. Does anyone have any experience with this billing area and doing blood transfusions in office? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I would be unwilling to be the nurse giving that blood in an office setting because there are so many things that could go wrong and you would need appropriate emergency equipment and staff to provide support for that patient.
Why does your office feel the need to do this procedure in the office? Patient convenience? Severe anemia due to chemo?? Color me puzzled about this.
The oncology office my mom goes to won't even do their own blood transfusions. Chemo, yes; blood, no. They require it to be done at the hospital infusion center.

I would be leary of this as well.