Wiki Billing Established Pt's for new PA


St. Joseph County, Indiana
Best answers

We have a PA that left an existing practice and is starting with our practice in the next few weeks. When his established patients are seen in our office, are they new or established?

I assumed they would be established but are unsure.

Also, if the physician wishes to see the new PA's patients first, THOSE PATIENTS would be considered new patients, correct?

Brock Berta
The patients would be considered established patients regardless of the scenarios you indicated. The patients are new to your physician but they are not new to your practice because your PA in the same specialty or field has seen the patient within the past 3 years.
I agree with your answer...but do know where I can find this in writing. My position on this is being challenged and I can't find where I can back it up.

Help (again)

Brock Brock

CPT book has the definition of New and Established patient. Its on page 4 CPT 2010.