Wiki Billing for contract PT services


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
One of my primary care clinics has contracted with a Physicial Therapy Rehab service to provide PT services at our primary care clinic. We have a few questions regarding the correct way to bill for these services....

1. Can we bill the PT services under the medical director? (I say no since he did not provide the services).

2. Can we bill under one group name instead of the individual PT provider's names?

3. If no to the above questions, what is the correct way to bill for these services?

Can you provide me or point me in the right direction of any written guideance on this issue?

I greatly appreciate your assisstance. Thanks.
We have contract therapy done in our clinics as well, you have to have that therapist who will be providing services be linked to your group tax ID.....that therapist must have her own identification numbers and then once she/he has those just link them to your tax ID number. You can not bill under any one else, she/he is a PT not a PTA right?? PT's must have their own numbers. This is how we were always told to do it here in our clinic and we are always paid for our visits.
They are all PTs not PTAs. So just so I understand, the PT has to have their own id numbers and their own tax id number as well? Please expalin how we can bill under the PT but use our tax id number? Thanks.
No they do not need their own Tax ID, you will be under your tax ID BUT the physical therapist must have their own identification numbers and link them to your tax ID. First do the paperwork to get provider numbers for that therapist, once you get the numbers then link them to your group. You can do this all at one time on the payers provider applications. Once you get the individual numbers you can bill to each insurance. What we do is apply for numbers and hold the billing until we receive confirmation of he/she actually getting the numbers. BE CAREFUL with the payers as some do not backdate their credentialing. Medicare does!!
What state are you in?