Wiki Billing for New Patient on a Same Day Sick


Croswell, MI
Best answers
We have a same day sick clinic that is run with our physician office and have 1 visit patients being seen. These are patients that are not establishing with our providers. Can we bill these as new patients? Thank you.
If this is first time you are seeing the patient in your office by your providers (face-to-face visit) you would be correct in billing the sick visit under the new patient E&M code 99201-99205. Please let me know if I did not understand your question.
If they have never been seen by the physician before and the patient has not been seen under the same TIN by another physician of the same specialty and sub specialty in the last 3 years then yes its new patient. new vs established rules don't care if its walk in clinic, primary care practice or specialty office. Trying to read between the lines, whether the patient plans on establishing with a practice or not, is not part of the equation.
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