Wiki Billing for uber driver to/from provider office


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I need help with something and this is going to sound weird. We are an orthopedic spine doctor office and we want to provide our patients with transportation to and from our office for their appts . Can anyone tell me if that is billable. The only thing I was able to find was A0100. I am not even sure if we can bill for this. Any help would be appreciated.
Commercial and medicare will not pay for non-emergent non ambulance transportation. Some Medicaid plans will cover transportation to and from provider offices but the transportation provider would need to bill and Uber is not a provider Medicaid will pay. Some dual eligible plans also cover transportation as well but again by a certified provider.
So just to be clear when you say some dual eligible plans also cover transportation but by a certified provider what does that mean?
So just to be clear when you say some dual eligible plans also cover transportation but by a certified provider what does that mean?

Medicaid certified transportation provider. Dual eligible is a plan the combines Medicare and Medicaid benefits. All of these plans are going to want participating provider to provide the transports.
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