Wiki Billing Global OB

Oak Lawn, IL
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From my understanding billing global OB package delivery means that the patient received routine prenatal visits which is 13 for uncomplicated pregnancies. Does that rule still apply? We have seen a patient for 11 visits and we are billing for Antepartum Care only 59426 (7 or more visit) and 59410 Vaginal Delivery. Can someone please let me know if this process is correct?
That may depend on insurance carrier rules. The OB Global package is still the generally accepted way to bill but some insurances have their own rules for this.
It definitely depends on the plan. UHC requires 13 and is VERY strict on that Anytime i bill a global delivery to them we always get a letter requesting medical records to prove they were seen for at least 13 prenatal appointments. I was taught they need at least 10 prenatal appointments for a global. Capital does not state a specific number requirement.. If i am not sure i usually just research the plans medical policy and see what the specific requirements are.