Wiki billing myocutaneous flaps with a complex repair


Mount Arlington, NJ
Best answers

I am not certain if I can bill a complex repair with a myocutaneous flap. the CCI edits bundle the complex repair with the flap, but it does allow
for it to be unbundled if it is justified. Just need a little guidance on this one,
NCCI instructs that the closure of a surgical incision is inclusive to all surgical procedures, with the exception of specified closures that can be reported following excision of skin lesions. So a complex repair of the defect and/or donor site of the myocutaneous flap would be considered inclusive to the procedure. The edits allow for unbundling in the event that a repair is made at an unrelated site (e.g. if a repair is performed after excision of a lesion at a different anatomical location). However, CPT does state that if the donor site for the flap requires a skin graft or separate local flap, that may be reported separately.
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