Wiki Billing when a family member comes in to discuss another family member


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We had a grandmother come in to discuss her grandson to whom she is the guardian. He was not present. From what I have found, we can bill 90846. The questions are can we bill this code to the grandmother's insurance or will it be self pay & where does the documentation go? Does it go in the grandmother's chart or the patient that is being discussed? Also, this code says 50 minutes. Does anyone know if it is up to 50 minutes or 50 minutes or more?
We had a grandmother come in to discuss her grandson to whom she is the guardian. He was not present. From what I have found, we can bill 90846. The questions are can we bill this code to the grandmother's insurance or will it be self pay & where does the documentation go? Does it go in the grandmother's chart or the patient that is being discussed? Also, this code says 50 minutes. Does anyone know if it is up to 50 minutes or 50 minutes or more?
check out this article. great information related to your question.