Wiki Billng for drug waste from a MDV if a patient has an allergic reaction

Anchorage, AK
Best answers
I am looking for some guidance in coding/billing for drug waste due to a patient having an allergic reaction. I am aware that modifier JW is needed for waste from single dose vials, but is it necessary to report waste separately for unused drugs that are discarded from a multi-dose vial?

For example: if a patient is scheduled to receive 140mg of Bendeka, but due to a noticeable reaction the patient only receives 45 mg and the remaining 95 is wasted, how is this reported to still get paid for the remaining 95mg?

Thank you, and I appreciate your help!
I do not believe that you have to report the waste since it would be billed either way from a multi-dose vile. I would be sure it is documented in the chart though, and code the adverse reaction.

Julie Williams
You would bill it as normal - with anything given for the adverse reaction (Benadryl, etc.) billed with the adverse reaction code. Waste is only for SDVs. MDV you can bill for the amount that was mixed to be administered, even if it was not