Wiki bladder unable to be filled due to leakage during Urodynamics


Liverpool, NY
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Patient came in for Urodynamics study. They leaked throughout the entire study and had a large leak prior to starting the study. A pressure flow was attempted. The patient could only tolerate 24mls and then they voided but it did not register. The patient could not be filled enough to perform a stress test. They leaked the entire amount of water instilled.

We are trying to determine what we can bill for and if we can bill 2 studies.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Patient voided 94ml Clear, yellow urine on uroflow. Patient did empty her bladder well. Straight catheter PVR 5ml Clear, yellow urine.

2) Patient demonstrated good sensation.

3) Patient demonstrated good kegel exercise.

4) Detrusor demonstrated good compliance.

5) Detrusor instability: YES With multiple large leaks throughout the study. Patient had a large leak prior to starting the study when I had her sit up in the testing chair. She states that this is a everyday occurance.

6) EMG behaved appropriately.

7) VLLP - n/a. I could not fill patient enough to perform stress testing portion of study.

8) Urodynamic 1 - Patient had multiple large leaks throughout the study. Including when sitting up in the testing chair prior to starting the study. Filled patient to capacity with 91ml sterile water. Patient leaked the entire amount of water instilled.

Urodynamic 2 slow fill - We attempted a pressure flow. I decreased pump to 10. Patient was filled to 24 ml, and stated she was at capacity. She then voided and it did not register. Syringe PVR was 3 ml.

9) Patient tolerated the procedure well.
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