Wiki Blue Light Filter charges


Best answers
My opticians are inquiring about billing individually for blue light filter when it is included already in the lens. Can we bill this separately or is the considered "included" in that specific lens?
If it comes standard on the lens, then charge appropriately, but don't billet separately. That would be like billing separately for scratch resistant coating on a polycarbonate lens when it's already included on all of them as a standard.

Tom Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC
If it comes standard on the lens, then charge appropriately, but don't billet separately. That would be like billing separately for scratch resistant coating on a polycarbonate lens when it's already included on all of them as a standard.

Tom Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC
This was exactly my thoughts, however, I like to be able to compare thoughts. Thank you.