Wiki CABG question


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
New to coding for CABG procedures.

i rarely get these across my desk, but today I have this case.

1) Mitral valve repair (quadrangular resection of the p3 scallop of the posterior leaflet of the mitral vavle with 29mm flexible medtronic duran ring insertion.

2) Coronary bypass graft x1 w/right internal mammary artery to right coronary artery.
3) Maze procedure.

Is this the right code set for this procedure CPT 33426,33533.

Your input would be appreciated.

Hi Daniel,

I agree with your code choice except where is the Maze? Or were you just asking about the MVR and CABG in specifically?

I'm curious, when my physicians mentions the P1 or P3, they are talking about the chords and performing reconstruction, so I bill 33427, would you agree with that?

Thank you too!
Yes, the MV repair is complex so you should use 33427. The only time you use 33426 is if they only need to place a ring. I agree with 33533. The maze will be 33257 (if just PVI) or 33259 (if complete maze).

Lisi, CPC
Thank You so much for your input.

Also thanks for mentioning to add the Maze procedure, wasn't sure if this was inclusive.

Like I mentioned, I rarely get these type of cases. Like 1 or 2 every three months. So with so few to code out on a regular basis. I don't get a chance to build my skills in this area.
So I appreciate the help.
