Wiki Can 75774 be coded here?


San Diego
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Catheter placed in right common femoral and imaged saved. Angiography performed which confirmed placement in the CF. A catheter was directed into the aorta to the level of the renal arteries, and an angiography of the aorta was performed. The catheter was manipulated down to the level of the aortic bifurcation, and a angiogram was performed of the pelvis. The catheter was manipulated to the left common and superficial femoral artery and a angiography was performed. Selective catheterization of the anterior tibial artery was performed, followed by angiography with runoff to the foot. ( Results were given for aorta, renals , bilateral iliacs , hypogastric arteries and all left leg arteries down AT, PT, Peroneal and TP trunk.) I have been coding 75716, 75625, 75774 for the angiography portion but is 75774 allowed in this situation?

My question is just regarding the 75774, not cath placement, etc.....

Thank you!
Assuming there was a reason for additional imaging in the AT and it was NOT done as part of a completion study, I would definitely code 75774.