Wiki Can I code an Open Heart massage 32160 and an ECMO insertion 33953?


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PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:* Status post aortic arch repair, status post pulmonary artery banding, cardiac arrest.

PROCEDURE:* Open heart massage and placement of ECMO support.

INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY:* A 4-week-old female with a diagnosis of complete AV canal, who is status post aortic arch repair a month prior.* The patient underwent pulmonary artery banding yesterday for evidence of significant over-circulation.* The patient developed an episode of bradycardia this morning followed by hypotension, requiring reintubation and CPR.* ECMO support was urgently* initiated.

OPERATIVE FINDINGS:* There was recovery of EKG complexes as well as ventricular contractility shortly after ECMO support .

PROCEDURE:* The patient was being given CPR and she was prepped and draped in sterile fashion and the chest was reopened.* Open heart massage was carried out while cannulation pursestrings were placed. The ascending aorta and the right atrium were cannulated with no difficulty and the patient was placed on ECMO support.* After hemostasis, the mediastinum was covered with a piece of latex membrane and this is to verify that I was present during surgery and remained available thereafter.