Wiki Can phone calls to patients be included in TIME element for total time spent face to face and non-face-to-face per 2021 guidelines?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
So, for example, --time spent Reviewing tests and preparing to see the patient
--Obtaining and reviewing separately obtained history
--Performing an exam
etc from 2021 E/M Updates. So if an MD later in the same day he/she sees the patient calls the patient with test results or instructions, can that time spent also be counted in addition to prep time, exam, reviewing history, counseling and all the other elements that can be counted towards TIME?
thank you so much
In my understanding, since face-to-face time is not required per 2021 guidelines as long as the phone call is the same date as the patient visit you could count the time towards the overall time spent with the patient and include the time spent as part of your E/M calculation.
So, for example, --time spent Reviewing tests and preparing to see the patient
--Obtaining and reviewing separately obtained history
--Performing an exam
etc from 2021 E/M Updates. So if an MD later in the same day he/she sees the patient calls the patient with test results or instructions, can that time spent also be counted in addition to prep time, exam, reviewing history, counseling and all the other elements that can be counted towards TIME?
thank you so much
My understanding is that it is total time spent in the same day on the case - a peer-to-peer counts, reviewing the chart/test results, so I would think that would count.