Wiki Can we bill the drugs used during a hysteroscopy in office

Can drugs such as Toradol (J1885) or Atrophone (J0461) be billed with a hysteroscopy (58558, 58561, or 58563) when performed in office?
Pain medication is usually not included and if you supplied the drug, you can bill - payment on the other hand will be up to the payer. The atropine they may not be paid for as it would be used as part of the pre-op prep to prevent secretions in the respiratory tract during surgery. A local such as lidocaine or marcaine would of course be included.
Pain medication is usually not included and if you supplied the drug, you can bill - payment on the other hand will be up to the payer. The atropine they may not be paid for as it would be used as part of the pre-op prep to prevent secretions in the respiratory tract during surgery. A local such as lidocaine or marcaine would of course be included.
If it is decided to bill, should the administration code 96372 be billed as well?