Wiki Carboplatin skin test


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Is anyone doing and billing for Carboplatin skin test? We are injecting 200 mcg Carboplatin intradermally into the patient's forearm and then the RN is checking the skin for reaction immediately and then 3 other times over the next half hour. I wondered about using 95015 - "Intracutaneous (intradermal) tests, sequential and incremental, with drugs, biologicals, or venoms, immediate type reaction, including test interpretation and report by a physician, specify number of tests" or 86486 - "skin test; unlisted antigen, each".
I was so happy to see your post amyhawk! I had posted almost the same question not that long ago. We are using the 86486 for the Carboplatin skin test, and have been successfully getting paid. If I remember correctly, the reason we chose the 86486 over the 95015 was that the Carbo didn't fall under any of the categories listed under the 95015. Hope this helps. Good luck!

I was asked this question last week and found that we could not use the 95015 because of the physician interpretation but we will try the 86486. What is your reimbursement like for this.