Wiki Carpal Tunnel Release and Finger Injection


Centre Hall, PA
Best answers
How would I bill for an open LEFT carpal tunnel release with a RIGHT index and middle finger injection of corticosteroid performed at the same encounter?
Right now I have 64721-LT, 20550-F6, 20550-F7.
Do I need anymore modifiers? Also, should I bill for the drug in this scenario and how do I know when it is appropriate to do so?
I did receive help on this question. I thought I would share the answer incase anyone else faces a similar problem...
1. left carpal tunnel release
2. right index finger injection
3. right middle finger injection
It should be coded as follows: 64721-LT, 20550-59-F6, 20550-59-F7
It was explained to me that in this instance, the procedure was performed at another facility. That facility provided the drug that was injected into the fingers, therefore I do not have to code for the drug.