Wiki Cast removal


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
Is there a CPT code for cast removal of the index finger?

I say no, from just looking at the CPT book. But am I missing something? From what I see this would be included in the E/M visit.

typically fingers get splints,...not so much casts... (unless it's a hand,finger, thumb wrist sort of thing)...
you can't charge for cast removal anyway, UNLESS the cast was applied by another physician. (not of your group/facility)

so, appears if your provider removed the splint (or cast) from the finger of a patient that was placed by another provider not of your group/facility - then YOUR provider could probably code a low level E/M. (depending on documentation support of course)
Tessa... ? if his provider did do fracture care and this was within the global, he still can't bill removal... (I'm just not clear on your post)..
Our office removed a short arm cast that we didn't apply. Can we bill for this as it's own CPT or is it just the E/M office visit? I see 4 cast removal codes, but none of them look appropriate.

29700, 29705, 29710, 29715