Wiki Certification Danger


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Would my CPC certification be in danger if my employer requires me to code from a numeric diagnosis code only, in place of a written diagnosis? I was given an error from an outside auditor per CC ICD-9-CM 1Q 2012 pg 6. My employer is requiring me to code the numeric code, despite the audit findings.
Certification Dangers

Assuming that you have indeed discussed your misgivings with your employer, and they are not willing to change what they are doing... At the very least, I would recommend putting your concerns about using the code in writing. Be sure to date it and list all your attempts to discuss/change or stop the practice-giving the coding rules/reasons. Give a copy to your employer and keep a copy for yourself, to have something that proves you were not in agreement. Without understanding the entire issue, it is difficult to make any judgements about your certification, I would be more worried about being placed on an exclusion list. If the diagnosis is for a Medicare patient and the code you are using is needed to support the billing based on the LCD, I would be extremely concerned, and do more than what I just recommended.. ag
I would keep that audit copy in a 'very safe place off-site of that office' and your concerns...and RUN like a scalded dog away from an employer that would blatantly ignore the results of an audit! No telling what they will try to require you to do! You can be held liable along with the physician! Get out of Dodge while you can!!!