Wiki CESI question on levels


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I have a physician that is performing a cesi at the C2-C3 level, one injection. He states the cesi will reach to the T-1 level. He is billing 64479 x1 with the add on code 64480 x3 for the other levels that the medication will reach. Can he bill for multiple levels when 1 injection is being done?
I would think it would be the number of levels injected, not the number of levels treated but I am not sure. I hope someone else who has a little more information/experience can answer this for you.
CDR=The physician injects a drug into the membrane that surrounds the spinal column through the hollow part of a vertebra in the neck or upper back. Add 64480 for each additional injection through a different vertebra

He can ABSOLUTELY NOT bill the add on code!!! He is injecting ONE level. No one can say for sure how far medication will exactly reach. It doesn't matter how far the meds will reach for treatment. It matters ONLY where the needle is injected.
Show him 64479 in the CPT book where it says "Injection and SINGLE LEVEL.

good luck convincing him!