Wiki charting infusions


Albuquerque, NM
Best answers
I am having an issue with the nursing staff at my clinic about how to properly chart infusions. we do not use electronic records, but rather chart on a paper form. can anybody either direct me to a website that specifically illustrates written charting of administration of IV infusions or send me an email attachment showing an example of proper charting? I have been all over the internet and am having an awful time. My email is:; my phone number is:505-242-7512. I would appreciate any help any one can offer - I would even be willing to come to someone's office to get one on one instruction. THANK YOU! Susan Duda
Documentation for infusions/injections

Hi There,

1. Physician Documentation –There MUST BE an ORDER that is dated, timed and signed with the name of the drug, the dose, the route and the rate of administration.

2. Nurse’s Documentation MUST have –Administration times, including; start and stop time for infusion services (each infusion with detailed start and stop of each drug/substance), route given (IM, subcutaneous, IV push, infusion), site or location of administration of infusion/injection.

3, Recommend to document how patient tolerated and any adverse reaction should any occur.

Hope this helps.
